Sunday, March 16, 2008


My sweet little daughter said "quilt" today for the first time!!
I was so excited, I couldn't believe it! She has a little quilt that is always in her bed - the perfect little baby size (and in fact it's almost too small for her). She asks me to wrap her up before naps & bedtime, and today she said so sweetly, "quilt."

On a similar note...
Yesterday Jeff had her in the morning while I went grocery shopping. When I got home, he was telling me about all of their accomplishments & how hard they had worked while I was out. She totally busted him & said "golf." I gave him a hard time about it, but when she woke up from her nap, I got busted too. She walked in and said "sewing." Jeff's like, "Aha, how would she know 'sewing'?" Oh well.

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