Sunday, August 12, 2007

almost done...

This is the top so far. I'm excited about it- I think it's going to look so pretty. These are mostly Moda fabrics from the 3 sisters line that I bought years ago!! The bright pink fabric is from a line to raise $ for breast cancer. I bought these fabrics so long ago & am excited to finally be almost finished with the top!! I put it on hold for so long because I was making so many baby it's time to finish an adult quilt.

Hope you like it! It's a twin sized, but I think I'll use it as my own personal lap quilt instead since our twin bed is in the attic!

1 comment:

Linsay said...

Carla! It looks so nice. I really like it. That quilt will be really pretty on Olivia's bed (once she's ready). I'm going to look into miter sewing and get back to you!